Sunday, March 17, 2013

Zoey's Newborn Pictures

     Zoey's sitting (7 month) pictures were taken yesterday. These are pics from her newborn session 7 months ago. We can't wait to see how the new ones turned out! I feel like they always are much better than I expect. We worked hard for those guys too. I literally woke up this morning and my knees felt bruised and my butt was really sore and I was like umm... what happened last night? It took me a couple minutes before I was like ohhhh yea, I was crawling around a cement floor for 3 hours like a crazy person trying to make my baby laugh and try to catch her before she toppled over. 

     By the way, my sweet sweet little girl thought it would be fun to be stoned face the entire time. When she didn't have a complete blank stare on her face, she looked at us with confusion. Oh man, these are going to be so hilarious adorable. All the usual things we do to get her to giggle or smile had no affect on her whatsoever. The only time she would smile is when we took breaks or changed her diaper. The second the camera was gone she was a happy little baby. There goes my dreams of being a momager!

     Looking back at her newborn pics to see how far she has come, all I could think was, where are her eyebrows? I love this little bundle so much! Eyebrowless and all!


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